Monday, September 29, 2014

#3 Lowell Series

There Is A Lot to Like About Lowell -- #3 Lowell Series
"There Is A Lot to Like About Lowell" is the city slogan.

The Beauty of the Lowell Cemetery

The Lowell Cemetery is one of my most favorite places to visit. Although I often take photos of tombstones there, this post is for showing the beauty of the cemetery. During the spring and fall, I am here several times a week. Please enjoy the three seasons with me.
One of two old entrances, this one built 1862.

Established 1841
Listed in the
National Register
of Historic Places

#1 Lowell Series

There Is A Lot to Like About Lowell -- #1 Lowell Series

"There Is A Lot to Like About Lowell" is the city slogan.

The Old Meets the New.
Taken May 2014